Gifts Policy

The Roslyn Public Library welcomes donations of all types when they further the mission, goals and policies of the Library.

The gift should be consistent with the Library’s mission to promote lifelong learning by providing books, programs, and technology. Donors understand that all gifts become the property of the Library, which assumes responsibility for and the right to determine its use, maintenance, and disposition. In the event the gift is deemed inconsistent with library goals and policies or is otherwise found to be unacceptable, the Library reserves the right to decline any gift.

Gifts of books or other library materials may be considered for the Library’s collection if they meet the general criteria for selection in the Roslyn Library’s Collection Development policy, as established by the Roslyn Library Board of Trustees. The Library does not provide special shelving or separate locations for gift items. Gift books may be plated with a library bookplate if the donor wishes. Gift items, including memorials, are weeded according to the same criteria as used for purchases. Books and other materials that are not added to the Library’s collection will be passed on to the Friends of the Roslyn Library, a non-profit organization that raises funds for the Library.

Gifts of funds may be designated for a particular purpose. A portion of gift funds designated for the purchase of books or other library materials may be used, if necessary, to defray the cost of processing the materials.

The library seeks to build a collection of local art and to serve as a venue for viewing rotating exhibits of art. Gifts of art are accepted and displayed at the discretion of the Librarian, the Library Board, and/or an art committee. As with other gifts to the library, gifts of art work will be deaccessioned with all due respect to the art and the artist.

Art may be displayed at the library on a temporary, rotating basis, at the discretion of the Librarian. In these cases, it is the responsibility of the artist or organization hosting the artist to insure the works of art against damage or loss. The Library is not responsible for lost or damaged art. The artist or organization hosting the artist may be responsible for hanging and labeling the art to the library’s design specifications. The artist or organization is responsible for rotating the art when requested by the Library. The Library will not house or store rotating art.

The library staff or board may not give appraisals for any reason. Appraisals for gifts or bequests must be made by an independent person or agency, as required by the Internal Revenue Service. The donor is responsibly for the cost of the appraisal.

Gifts may qualify for a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. However, the Library accepts no responsibility for establishing or verifying the value of donated items for that purpose and the Library cannot determine actual deductibility. Donors are referred to their tax consultant for any questions regarding deductibility.

Adopted by the Roslyn Library Board of Trustees, August 28, 2012, Revised May 3, 2014.

Made possible with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Washington State Library, Office of the Secretary of State.