Digital Collection Policy
The Roslyn Public Library offers an online collection of digitized photographs related to the history of the Roslyn area. This collection is called the Roslyn Heritage Collection. The collection was made possible through the Washington Rural Heritage project of the Washington State Library / Office of the Secretary of State.
Images and other material from the collection may not be reproduced in any way without permission from the Roslyn Public Library. It is the responsibility of the user to credit the Roslyn Public Library. Material may be copyright protected. Proper credit must be given to the creator if known. The preferred citation is as follows: Courtesy of the Roslyn Public Library, Roslyn Heritage Collection.
The Roslyn Public Library is not responsible for the improper or illegal use of any copies of materials from its collections. It is the user’s responsibility to guard against the infringements of rights that may be held by others and for clearing reproduction rights and copyright restrictions. The Roslyn Library does not claim to control copyright of all of the pictorial, textual, audio, or video materials in its collections. The librarian will provide such information as the library has, as a service to aid customers in determining appropriate use of an item, but that determination ultimately rests with the customer. The Library provides these materials for non-profit, educational, personal, or scholarly purposes, and transmissions or reproduction of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright holders.
The Roslyn Public Library gives no exclusive rights for the use of its material. Permission is granted for a one-time use only. Any subsequent use of an image requires another written permission of the Library.
The Roslyn Library does not allow its images to be used out of context or modified in any way that affects the historical integrity of the image.
The following copyright statement applies to the Roslyn Heritage Collection. It is taken from the Washington Rural Heritage database website on April 10, 2012:
Copyright Statement
The contents of Washington Rural Heritage (WRH)—contributed by libraries and their collaborative partners—are publicly available for use in research, teaching, and private study.
All items may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Usage of some items may also be subject to additional restrictions imposed by the copyright owner and/or the holding institution. Transmission or reproduction of a protected item requires the permission of the copyright owner and/or the holding institution. Requests for permission should be addressed to the organization identified in the "Rights and Use" field.
The nature of historical, archival and manuscript collections often make it difficult to determine the exact copyright status of an item. Whenever possible, the holding institution or repository provides all known information about copyright owners and other restrictions in the information, or metadata, associated with digital items. The holding institution provides this information to assist users in determining the copyright status of an item. Ultimately, however, it is the user's responsibility to use material according to the terms governing its use.
Institutions participating in WRH provide descriptive information for each item digitized to assist users in determining the historical importance and cultural context of an item. In some instances, the holding institution has incomplete information about authors, publishers, or other persons associated with the materials in their collection. These institutions welcome comments from anyone who may have additional information about any of the items in the collection, especially copyright owners who are not properly identified, so that appropriate information may be provided to researchers and teachers in the future. In addition to contact information, each digital item has a place for users to post comments.
Conditions of Use
By their use of these digital images, texts, audio and video recordings, users agree to the following:
Materials may not be used for any commercial purpose without prior written permission from the copyright owner and/or owning institution. The Washington State Library (WSL) does not have authority to grant such permission.
Materials may be used for purposes of research, teaching and private study. Please check the item record for the “Contributing Institution” and “Rights and Use" to determine who to contact for permissions.
Credit must be given to the “Contributing Institution.”
Materials may not be re-published in print or electronic form without prior written permission from the copyright owner and owning institution
Materials may not be mounted on an additional server for public use, or for use by a set of subscribers without prior written permission from the copyright owner and holding institution.
Collections Disclaimer
The institutions with digital collections hosted in WRH provide copyright information as a service to the general public in determining the proper use of an item. Users of this site are ultimately responsible for determining copyright restrictions and for obtaining written permission. The Washington State Library (WSL), a division of the Office of the Secretary of State (OSOS) will not be held responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages arising out of or relating to the use of the information and materials linked to or found on this website. If the copyright of an item in a collection is in dispute, WSL/OSOS will remove the digital item from the collection until the dispute is resolved.
Adopted by the Roslyn Library Board of Trustees, May 23, 2012.
Instructions for accessing News Bank World News, Washington State News and the Seattle Times Collection is found here.
Event Calendar
Tue, 09/17/24
11:15am to 12:15pm ~ Storytime and Crafts
Tue, 09/24/24
11:15am to 12:15pm ~ Storytime and Crafts
Tue, 10/01/24
11:15am to 12:15pm ~ Storytime and Crafts
Tue, 10/08/24
11:15am to 12:15pm ~ Storytime and Crafts
Tue, 10/15/24
11:15am to 12:15pm ~ Storytime and Crafts
Tue, 10/22/24
11:15am to 12:15pm ~ Storytime and Crafts
Tue, 10/29/24
11:15am to 12:15pm ~ Storytime and Crafts